Save the Graffiti House

The Graffiti House is a very special historic treasure. One hundred and fifty years ago, Confederate and Union soldiers inscribed timeless messages on the walls of this structure. After the war, these messages were covered with paint and wallpaper. They were rediscovered in 1992 as the house was being demolished.



Although the house is structurally sound today, volunteers at the house have seen a significant deterioration in the condition of the horse hair plaster walls since their discovery. As a result of exposure to temperature variations, vibration from the nearby rail traffic, and age related structural stresses, the artwork on the walls of the Graffiti House is slowly disappearing.

After one hundred and fifty years the house needs extensive restoration.  Please make your pledge today to provide funds in support of needed restoration work.

For further information, please contact:
       Brandy Station Foundation, Graffiti House Restoration
       P.O. Box 165, Brandy Station, VA 22714
       Phone: 540-727-7718 or email

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______  Yes, I want to help restore the Graffiti House.  My tax deductible donation is enclosed.
(If paying by check, please note “Graffiti House Restoration” in the memo line.)

: _____________________________              Donation amount enclosed: $_______________

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